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Ask Companies For Coupons and Save Money

Published 10/13/07 (Modified 3/9/11)
By MoneyBlueBook

I enjoy using coupons. I don't spend a whole lot of time clipping coupons from the Sunday paper however. In fact, I don't even order or buy the Sunday newspaper and its collection of coupons. I prefer to do it the easy way - by emailing companies directly and requesting coupons and discount promotion vouchers.

Believe it or not, companies love to hear from their customers and appreciate your comments and suggestions. You don't even need to beat around the bush by sugar coating your emails and gushing about how much you love their products. I prefer to get straight to the point and simply ask them if they can send me coupons.

Here Are the Steps to Take.

  1. Think about what products you use on a daily and weekly basis and take a look at your home and make a note of what products you use.
  2. Start running internet searches for every brand you use and visit the company's website directly. For example, if you like Odwalla fruit smoothies as I do, type in "Odwalla.com" in your favorite search engine and visit the website's customer service section. Email them this message " Dear Odwalla: I really enjoy using your products. Please send me coupons and other promotional products and samples." You can substitute Odwalla for any other brand you like.

That's it! See how easy it is? I've been receiving lots of coupons from every conceivable brand in the last few days after requesting them through their websites. Some brands like Kashi are super generous and will send you several free Kashi cereral vouchers. Ask and thou shalt receive!

Weird Customer Service Response

Side note: I don't think some of these companies really pay attention or even read the messages they receive from customers. My guess is that they just automatically send a standard response letter with coupons attached. I emailed one company (Proctor & Gamble) to complain and gripe about the quality of one of their products and they later sent me a few gift certificates along with a letter thanking me for my kind and generous compliments. I wasn't sure whether I should be happy that they offered me freebies or whether I should be disturbed because they failed to understand the e-mail content I wrote them. :)

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