Opening a new bank account? Ask these 5 questions
Published 7/18/14 By Holly Johnson
A few months ago, I did something that I hadn't done in almost 15 years: I opened a new checking account.
It was a slightly scary thing to do, mainly because I had gotten so comfortable with my old account and how it worked. On the other hand, it was definitely time for a change. Because we moved, our old bank was no longer in a convenient location for us. Even worse, our "new" local branch had severely limited hours to the point where it seemed like they were never open. I hated the thought of filling out a bunch of paperwork and closing our old account, but I knew it was for the best.
When it came to opening a new account, I felt like quite the novice. However, after doing an adequate amount of research and exploring my options, I quickly found my footing. But that was only after I compiled a list of questions I needed to answer before committing to opening a new account with a specific bank. Here are the five questions I thought were most important to answer, and why.
1. Will my new bank be convenient?
Modern banking is all about convenience, and my personal banking needs are a reflection of that. When it came to choosing a new bank to do business with, I needed to know that my new banking relationship would be a convenient one.
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