Logging on for love: What's the catch with online dating sites?
Published 2/1/11 (Modified 3/22/11) By Peter Andrew
Time was when it was, "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." Nowadays, young and old, male and female seem pretty focused on the subject year-round, although Valentine's Day may well trigger many to seek out their perfect partner through an online dating site. But at what cost?
How not to get dates
When I was on the dating scene, in the days before the web, I had a tried and tested five-step process for attracting new partners:
- Meet friends at appropriate bar/club
- Pick from a distance the person/people I wanted to chat with
- Drink bladder-bursting quantities of beer in order to build up Dutch courage
- Eventually, stagger across to the object of my desire, and slur--in a haze of foul alcohol fumes--some corny chat-up line
- Receive a withering put-down/slap/false phone number
Yes, it was tried and tested, and it almost invariably failed.
How to get dates
If I were in the market for a new lover now, I'd save a fortune in bar tabs, and do my liver an enormous favor. Because I'd almost certainly try online dating. And why not? It sure can work: the last two weddings I've attended have both been the result of Internet encounters through matchmaking websites, and one 2010 study suggested that 17 percent of new marriages over the previous year had come about this way.
But what I would save in beer, I could easily spend on dating site fees. Because online dating can be quite expensive.
Putting a price on love
It's not
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